Komplekt WB-9: mootoriga ESD-töölaud, 800 x 1500 mm
Product code: 450 668
Set includes: - wB electric adjustable bench ESD 1500x800, WB815 EL ESD - upright profile AL2X ESD 1489x900, AL2X150W - accessory frame AKK ESD 690x500+690x500, AKK150 - shelf ALH ESD 1500x310, ALH150 ESD - support bracket HSB ESD 1500mm, HSB150 - adjustable shelf ASH ESD 660x400, ASH70 ESD - keyboard shelf WKA ESD 550x220, WKA ESD - bin profile BP ESD 685, BP70 ESD - monitor arm TSS II (MA), 964+0119+000 - light steel cabinet LMC02 ESD, LMC02 ESD - cover for LMC cabinets, LMCK2 - 3 x shelf bin 186x400x82 Black ESD, 4020-4ESD - 12 x stacking bin 105x165x75 Black ESD, 1015-4ESD - treston NaturLite Led 900, TNL900 - treston Power rail 468, 6 sockets + switch, TPR4-005 Lauaplaadi kõrgus vabalt reguleeritav elektrimootoriga vahemikus 700...1100 mm. Mootori tõstekiirus 19 mm/s. Laua jalad valmistatud tugevast terasest, kaetud helehalli pulbervärviga. Lauaplaat 25 mm paksune madalsurvelaminaat. Põranda ebatasasuste kompenseerimiseks on laual reguleeritava kõrgusega jalad.
Lauaplaadi mõõdud: 800 (L) x 1500 (P) mm
Kandevõime 200 kg
Products with ESD/EPA labeling are specially designed for use in electronics industry, where electro static discharge (ESD) could harm sensitive electronic components such microchips etc. All our ESD/EPA labelled products meet the requirements of the IEC 61340-5-1 standard.